Saturday, February 23, 2008

Recommendation- Physic Classroom

I LOVE THIS WEBSITE Glenbrook- the Physic Classroom

Hammurabi Code of Laws (From Evansville)

The Code of Laws (Some interesting, painful ones...)

1. If any one ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death.

2. If any one bring an accusation against a man, and the accused go to the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser. (Talk about fairytales.)

110. If a "sister of a god" open a tavern, or enter a tavern to drink, then shall this woman be burned to death. (What is a sister of God? O___O)

148. If a man take a wife, and she be seized by disease, if he then desire to take a second wife he shall not put away his wife, who has been attacked by disease, but he shall keep her in the house which he has built and support her so long as she lives. (That's right!!!)

194. If a man give his child to a nurse and the child die in her hands, but the nurse unbeknown to the father and mother nurse another child, then they shall convict her of having nursed another child without the knowledge of the father and mother and her breasts shall be cut off. (OH MY OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

195. If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off. (Ouchie.)

200. If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out. (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. not good.)

218. If a physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and kill him, or open a tumor with the operating knife, and cut out the eye, his hands shall be cut off. (AHH!! Do NOT be a physician if you love your hands)

224. If a veterinary surgeon perform a serious operation on an ass or an ox, and cure it, the owner shall pay the surgeon one-sixth of a shekel as a fee. )Serious operation a butt, interesting... Buasir ka??)

266. If the animal be killed in the stable by God (an accident), or if a lion kill it, the herdsman shall declare his innocence before God, and the owner bears the accident in the stable. (Killed by God? How to prove??)

269. If he hire an ass for threshing, the hire is twenty ka of corn. (Wow, butts can do work???)

282. If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear. (Ouchie!!!)

Sejarah Chapter 1.2 Tamadun (Technical Facts)

But before we explore this exciting, important topic (Not.), let's take a look at Ibn Khaldun, the guy so important that he has his own column in the sacred book of suffering, pain, torture History.

Full Name: Abd. Al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad.
Born in Tunisia (Tuna?? Did you say Tuna??)
Beliau merupakan pemikir yang unggul (Wow, he can actually do thinking better than us!!), sejarawan (I pity him.) dan ahli sosiologi Islam.
Ibn Khaldun menganggap bahawa kehidupan bandar ialah kehidupan bertamadun.
Kehidupan bandar terbentuk apabila lahir semangat assabiah (Nice word.) atau kekitaan. Hasilnya, wujud semangat bekerjasama dan saling membantu. (If so, then why all the violence in 'civilized cities' these days... Sobs...)
Penulisannya (He's a writer too!! Let's be friends!) banyak berasaskan pengalaman sebenar yang dilaluinya (For example, the horror pleasure of being a 'sejarawan',.
In his best work (Karya ulung), Muqaddimah, beliau telah menggunakan istilah umran (Umpan! Sounds like a song. UMPAN UHAHAHAH UMPAN) yang bermakna tanah yang didiami secara tetap, berkembang dan maju,
dan istilah hadarah (Darah?) yang bermakna hidup di bandar (kehidupan bander yang penuh dengan tatasusila, kesopanan dan moral yang tinggi.
:::bahasa Arab, mudun dan madain (Bubun dan Mandarins. Bubuns is love Mandarins.)
:::Madana- Tinggi budi bahasa dan pembukaan bandar.
:::Bahasa English- civilization daripada bahasa Greek, ialah civitas yang bermaksud bandar.
:::Gordon Childe- Pencapaian lahiriah merupakan kayu ukur kemajuan (Wow, metaphor) tamadun dalam sesebuah masyarakat
:::Darcy Riberio dan R.A. Buchanan (Hey, you, go back to your River Fruit Trees Tsoleum!!) pula menolak unsur rohaniah sebaliknya hanya menekankan kepentingan dan pembangunan lahiriah dalam proses perkembangan tamadun. (Bad boys *drags them to church*)
:::Syed Naquib al-Attas, tamadun ialah pencapaian tahap tatasusila yang tinggi dan kebudayaan yang luhur oleh sesebuah masyarakat. (Disokong oleh Richard Sullivan)
In short:
1. Kewujudan petempatan kekal.
-Corak hidup yang lebih sistematik. (Ya meh? Why then, is Nana's room so messy?)
-Kelangsungan bekalan makanan.
2. Kehidupan berorganisasi
-aspek ekonomi, sosial dan politik
-memastikan sestabilan dan kemakmuran kehidupan
-sistem keluarga menjadi sistem pemerintahan menjadi sistem perundangan
3. Sistem Pemerintahan
- Terdapat pemerintah. (Easy kan?)
4. Penghukusan Perkerjaan
-Peningkatan dalam produktiviti
5. Agama dan kepercayaan
-berkait rapat dengan pengiktirafan terhadap golongan pemerintah, pembahagian sosial blah blah blah... (But agama is still very important, no matter how many blahs there are.)
6. Bahasa dan Sistem Tulisan
-sebahagian daripada perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan
-bahasa Tertua: Sanskrit dan Yunani
-Penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan perhubungan
-Penyimpanan rekod, penulisan undang-undang dan hal-hal keagamaan.
(Obviously, I think that bahasa dan sistem tulisan is the most important trait, wekeke)
Proses pembentukan tamadun manusia (Manusia, bukan burung atau bubun atau mandarins) apabila wujud hubungan, iaitu penyesuaian antara manusia dengan alam sekelilingnya.
Manusia akan memilih kawasan yang memudahkan mereka menjalani kehidupan harian. (Human beings are always seeking for more comfort. sigh.)
Faktor-faktor pemilihan lokasi: Untuk adanya kemudahan untuk mendapat bekalan air, makanan, serta kemudahan pengangkutan dan perhubungan (So that they can meet their girlfriends and boyfriends. Just joking.
(Explore: Evansville textbook pg 9)

Sejarah Chapter 1.1 Zaman-Zaman

Zaman Paleolitik& Mesolitik (Also known as Zaman Poopy and Muppy)

NOMADS. (They are NOT MAD!!! That's why they move around like sensible people. At least, according to them.)

Not yet stayed permanantly, and does activities such as memburu binatang, memungut hasil hutan and menangkap ikan. (Which does not require them to stay in a place permanantly)
Zaman Neolitik (Also Known as Zaman Cikgu Neoh)
Starts to (menetap dalam kelompok yang BESAR.)
Poopy and Muppy only in small groups, but Neoh (Imagine hundreds of Cikgu Neoh) are in one, big, happy family. (One big happy disciplinary family).
Neoh is very smart and clever. They start to smoothen their skin sorry, I mean their alatan batu, and also starts to make beautiful decorations useful ceramic (Bahan tembikar) otherwise known as watermelon (tembikai) err, stuff.
Kehidupan menetap dan keupayaan menghasilkan bahan makanan melebihi keperluan telah melahirkan sistem pertukaran barang yang dikenali sebagai sistem barter
(Sistem Butter: Once upon a time, A cute little Neoh had too much butter, because she is a butter maker, and so she sold her butter to a butterless Neoh, who was a fish maker, and got some smelly fishies in return.)
Zaman Logam (Also Known as Logan, aka Wolverine from X-Men)
Logan has two children, Gangsa (Boy Wonder-Gangster) and Besi (Bessie the Cow).
These two children are very good superchildren, especially the Cow (besi), and 'menyebabkan manusia pada zaman ini (aka Little Logans) berjaya mereka cipta perahu dan rumah (To battle eviel!!)
'Dengan perahu, manusia dapat meneroka lautan dan meningkatkan kegiatan perdagangan maritim' (Konon. Just say 'battle EVIEL' lah...)
During that 'zaman', 'di sesetengah kawasan telah muncul petempatan besar dan kota pertahanan. (SEE!! Kota pertahanan, means that there WAS war between guud and EVIEL! Well, okay, no evidence in history, but still!!)

Petempatan besar ini kemudiannya telah berkembang menjadi bandar atau kota. (Kota Kinabalu, we larb you!!)
Contoh dua buah bandar purba: Jericho di Jordan (8000s.m) dan Catal Huyuk di Turki (6500s.m)
Other facts:
Artifak: Barang yang dicipta manusia
Feature: Struktur bangunan atau tinggalan yang tidak dapat diubah atau dipindahkan
Ekofak: Tinggalan seperti sisa makanan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan tulang (Boleh reput)
Selain sistem butter Barter, pertukaran barang dagangan juga melibatkan cangkerang siput gerus (COWRIE- they named this after Bessie the Cow the superkid) sebagai nilai tukaran dagangan. (At least Cowries are prettier than the new RM50 note... Urgh.)
Di Tanah Besar Asia Tenggara, Zaman Logan Logam muncul pada sekitar tahun 1000-1500 S.M.. Ini terbukti dengan penemuan artifak gendang gangsa yang dihasilkan di Dongson (East Sun??), Vietnam Utara.
Logans (People in Zaman Logam) telah mengetahui cara mengebumikan mayat dengan iringan bekal kubur seperti tembikar, makanan, alatan besi dan sebagainya. (Give me marshmellows!!)
The development of human beings from Poopy and Muppy until Logan, and then finally, TAMADUN!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Scalar and Vector Quantities

Lol, scalar is something without direction like kg, m3 those. while vector is quantity with direction, kgms-1 those (quoted Chikkien)
Yeah, I think I finally got it now, after cikgu Bevina's first, real lesson.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Scalar and Vector Quantities

Figure One

Scalar Quantities
Most of the physical quantities encountered in physics are either scalar or vector quantities.
scalar quantity is defined as a quantity that has magnitude only.
Typical examples of scalar
quantities are time, speed, temperature, and volume.
A scalar quantity or parameter has no
directional component, only magnitude.
For example, the units for time (minutes, days, hours,
etc.) represent an amount of time only and tell nothing of direction.
Additional examples of
scalar quantities are density, mass, and energy.
Quantities (AHA! Vectoring comes from here!)
A vector quantity is defined as a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
To work with
vector quantities, one must know the method for representing these quantities.
Magnitude, or "size" of a vector, is also
referred to as the vector's "displacement."
can be thought of as the scalar portion of the vector and is represented by the length of the vector.
By definition, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.
Direction indicates
how the vector is oriented relative to some reference axis, as shown in Figure One.
Using north/south and east/west reference axes, vector "A" is oriented in the NE quadrant with a direction of 45 north of the o EW axis.
G iving direction to scalar "A"
makes it a vector. The length of "A" is representative of its magnitude or displacement.
In short...
Scalar Quantities: Length, area, distance, work, temperature, time, volume, speed, energy, density
Vector Quantities: Displacement, Velocity, Force, Acceleration, Momentum
Magnitude is defined as... (Wiki)
The magnitude of a mathematical object is its size: a property by which it can be larger or smaller than other objects of the same kind; in technical terms, an ordering of the class of objects to which it belongs. (Huh?)
Direction is defined as... (Wiki)
is the information contained in the relative position of one point with respect to another point without the distance information (Distance is Scalar).
Directions may be either relative to some indicated reference (the violins in a full orchestra are typically seated to the left of the conductor), or absolute according to some previously agreed upon frame of reference (New York City lies due west of Madrid).
I really, really don't understand this. But I shall keep on trying until I do. There are two teachers who are very convicted that girls CAN'T SUCCEED IN PHYSICS and I so wanna prove them WRONG.

Seven Basic Quatities

The international system of units
Or Physics seven (7) Basic quantities

  1. Length (meter) -m
  2. Mass (kilogram) -kg
  3. Time (second) -s
  4. Electric current (ampere) -A
  5. Thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) -K
  6. Amount of substance (mole) (You shall learn this in chemT/B pg 30) -mol
  7. Luminous intensity (candela) -cd